
Photography was one of my first creative outlets. I picked up my first camera in elementary school—an early–2000s Kodak film point-and-shoot; a hand-me-down from my cousin. Over the years, I would make my way to digital and go through a few more point-and-shoots before saving up for my first DSLR in high school.

In the years since, I’ve picked up a few great cameras and learned how to tinker around in Photoshop and Lightroom. Even as a hobby, photography has opened doors for me and introduced me to some pretty cool people. While I’ve never considered my photography a work of art, it’s been an enjoyable outlet for me and one that I’ve always been inclined to share with others.

In particular, I’ve enjoyed going back to fundamentals and working with film. I like the uncertainty not knowing how a shot is going to turn out until the film is developed weeks later. For me, film communicates raw emotion and provides for moments of reflection—there are no do-overs and there is no instant gratification. Even the least “artistic” shots can carry the most sentiment.

I’ve included a sampling of both my film and digital photography here.


Digital Photography


Film Photography